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Uniform 1936. The original string bow tie is missing!
Summer uniform 1958 - 1963. The original blouse is missing!
Winter uniform 1963 - 1968
Summer uniform 1965 - 1968
Uniform 1968 - 1970
Uniform worn on flights to Hawaii
Uniform 1970 - 1973
The long skirt was only worn on the B747 in First Class
Uniform worn on flights to Hawaii
Uniform 1973 - 1976. First edition. Several items are missing!
Second edition
Uniform worn on flights to Hawaii
Uniform 1976 - 1979
Uniform 1979 - 1981
Uniform worn on flights to Hawaii late 1970s
Uniform 1981 - 1986. The original blouse and belt are missing
Uniform 1986 - 1989
Uniform 1989 - 1990
Uniform worn on flights to Hawaii 1980s
Uniform 1990 - 1995
Uniform 1995 - 2002
Uniform 2002 - 2006
Uniform 2006 - 2013
Current uniform
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